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How To Use Décor To Promote Better Sleep

The importance of sleep to our health can not be understated, it’s well known that getting 6-8 hours of high quality sleep a night can make you healthier, with it helping improve weight loss, heart health and improving mental function, whereas not getting good sleep increases the likelihood of you experiencing negative health impacts like diabetes, heart disease and weight gain.

This is all well and good to know, but if you’re a poor sleeper the possible negative effects of your bad sleep are probably causing you some anxiety, which ironically will make it even harder for you to sleep.

Don’t stress, we’re here to help improve your sleeping habits by using interior décor. Believe it or not, but if you’re a poor sleeper you can improve your sleep by just changing the look and décor of your bedroom in ways that promote healthy sleeping habits.

Bring Houseplants Into Your Bedroom

You probably don’t associate houseplants with good sleep, there’s no real direct link between the two things. But studies have shown that exposure to plants and flowers can help relax you and relieve stress.

Stress is one of the biggest causes of sleepless night’s around the world, so by having some houseplants or flowers on display in your bedroom will help deal with that and make it easier for you to get to sleep, just make sure you buy plants that are okay in low-light situations as your bedroom will more often than not have no natural light.

Block Out Light Pollution

Light pollution from outside is something that troubles a lot of people when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Our brains are hardwired to sleep in the dark and be awake when it’s sunny outside, light pollution from street lights and passing cars can trigger this effect and prevent you from falling asleep at night.

UK Blinds retailer DotcomBlinds tell us that simply by installing a blackout blind in your bedroom, you can remedy this issue. Blackout blinds will stop light from leaking into your room at night, allowing you to have a nice and dark environment for you to gently fall asleep in, which should make it easier for you to fall asleep at night.

Switch Your Colour Scheme To Sleep Friendly Colours

At first, this may seem silly, but as we said earlier, the human brain sets it’s sleep schedule based on light and the human brain is very easy to trick. So having bright vibrant colours like yellows or reds can trick your brain into thinking it should be awake!

So by simply removing overstimulating colours from your room can make it much easier to sleep, especially if you replace them with toned down relaxing colours like baby blue which won’t keep you up at night, but will help you relax whilst you’re getting ready for bed!

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