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Celebrating Your Child’s Neurodivergence & Steps To Take

Have you heard of the term neurodivergent?

Most people have in 2024, and while it is easy to pathologize it, it simply translates as ?no two brains or minds are the same.? When it comes to children who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit disorder, or intermittent explosive disorder, it is true that no two children are the same, but rather than more mild forms of neurodivergence, having a child who has these disorders can make every day more challenging. 

If you have a child who has ASD, it is important for them, and for you, that you celebrate their differences, as this will help to build their self-esteem and improve your relationship.

Here are some tips on how to do just that!

Talk To Your Child About Neurodiversity

If you have a child who has ASD, and they are able to communicate effectively, then it is worth talking to them about their differences and answering any questions that they may have. Autism360.com has some advice on ASD that can answer some of the more complex questions, but it can be worth exploring this website and others together so you can learn as much as you can together. Remember, you have to learn about it, too, and this activity can help your child to feel more accepted and take pride in their differences.

Talk To Your Family About Neurodiversity

A lot of the older generation do not understand neurodiversity, especially when it comes to the autism spectrum. This can lead to tension and frustration on your end and on theirs.

So, take the time to meet with family members who may be a bit set in their ways, and explain neurodiversity to them. Help them to see that a diagnosis of ASD in the family is not a bad thing, and talk them through tips that you have used to build your relationship with your child. Frame it all in a positive light and they will be certain to come around!

Seek Help For Yourself

Having a child with ASD is not likely to be a walk in the park all the time. They may present with challenging behaviors, which can cause you and them to feel irritated and frustrated. Ask your doctor, or look online for counseling and therapy, which is aimed at the parents of neurodivergent children. This will help give you space to work through your feelings and will help you build up your confidence when managing your child in those difficult days.

Adapt Your Home and Activities

Your child can still have a normal life, even if they are neurodivergent, but you may need to make some adjustments to make it easier for them. Try to keep your home calm and stable, and if your child has anxiety, setting a routine can help them to feel more at ease. Aim to establish in their mind (and yours) that doing things differently from the standard is not a bad thing and, in many ways, it can make activities like cooking dinner or painting a room more fun!

Take Pride in Your Child!

Some good advice for any parent is to take pride in your child?s accomplishments. This is especially important for children who may be struggling academically; don?t focus on their grades, or how other children in their class are doing. Instil in them that they are good enough and try to celebrate one thing every day, whether it was getting to school on time, doing homework or even walking the dog. This will help you and them to feel positive and, again, will improve your relationship.

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