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5 Reasons Why Dentists Warn Not To Use Social Media DIY Dental Hacks

Social media platforms have popularized “life hacks” – tricks and tips for improving one’s life with basic hacks. Unfortunately, do-it-yourself dental hacks are among the many detrimental trends that have emerged on social media, and dentists are observing the negative effects of these hacks on oral health. Social media hacks can range from seemingly harmless (whitening teeth with banana peels) to hazardous (using strong chemicals to whiten teeth).

These “dental hacks” are frequently posted by unlicensed influencers and individuals to take advantage of impressionable audiences. Following social media trends can cause permanent damage to your teeth or mouth. Here is why you shouldn’t trust these “hacks” you see on social media.

1. Influencers aren’t always truthful

Using hydrogen peroxide, charcoal, and other harmful liquids is a recent trend to save money on teeth whitening. Not only are these trends highly toxic and hazardous, but they can also cause severe tooth and gum damage. It is always recommended that you consult a dentist first if you want whiter and healthier teeth. Your dentist can recommend a teeth-whitening product that is safe and FDA-approved.

2. DIY Teeth Whitening Is Not Safe

You can find several whitening products at your local drugstore, but not every product can help you effectively. In addition to the product’s application being crucial, the current state of your dental health is also essential. Uneven application of teeth whitening can leave your teeth stained.

In addition, not following the instructions can result in tooth damage, including the need for procedures like a root canal in Langley. For instance, leaving a whitening product on for too long in an attempt to improve its effectiveness can cause sensitivity or decay. Charcoal is effective for whitening teeth because it is abrasive and can eradicate surface stains. Nonetheless, the abrasion is so effective that it removes the protective layers of the enamel. Always consult your dentist in Grimsby before attempting any at-home whitening methods.

3. Stains are different from discolouration

People are typically dissatisfied with their at-home teeth whitening results because their teeth are discoloured and not tainted. While whitening products can effectively eliminate stains, they cannot remove discoloration. Surface stains are caused by exposure to substances such as coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes, whereas trauma, medications, or aging cause discoloration. Consultation with your dentist can help determine which whitening treatments are ideal for your concerns.

4. Not all teeth are safe for teeth whitening

The following individuals should avoid at-home whitening treatments:

  • Patients Receiving Dental Care – Crowns, veneers, or bonding will not alter the pigmentation of these items. If you use whitening products, you will notice that your natural teeth become whiter while your dental restorations retain their original hue.
  • Those With Sensitive Teeth – The peroxide in children’s teeth whitening products can be excruciatingly unpleasant for those with sensitivity. If your teeth are already sensitive, teeth whitening can exacerbate the discomfort.
  • People With Recent Dental Work – Tooth decay, periodontal disease, and receding gums must be addressed before teeth whitening treatments.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers – Whitening products should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

5. Beware of “Natural” Teeth-Brightening Scams

Like many social media fads, natural teeth whitening recommendations can be dangerous. Among the natural whiteners to avoid are:

  • Strawberries – Strawberries can help whiten teeth because they contain malic acid that stimulates salivation. Unfortunately, their natural bleaching properties can also corrode the enamel.
  • Citrus Fruits – Citrus fruits, like lemons, limes, oranges, are extremely acidic. They can help remove stains but can also strip the protective layer of your enamel due to how corrosive they can be
  • Coconut Oil – It is rumoured that rinsing with coconut oil will “pull” stains from teeth, but this is not an effective whitening method.

When used properly, at-home teeth whitening hacks can effectively whiten and brighten teeth. Moreover, professional teeth whitening in Waterloo are more affordable than you may assume if you want to see faster, more noticeable results.

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