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Twin Flame Productions Ignites A Movement of Sustainability

Twin Flame Productions was created by Ty Kranz and Lucine Ajamian. The two met at the Ginchi Apparel Artist Empire ™ Fashion Show and Launch Party in Denver, CO in November 2019. This initial coming together of determined minds immediately flourished into something greater. By December 2019, their individual companies, T.K. Redesigns and Ginchi Apparel birthed what we know today as Twin Flame Productions. The company’s mission is to end fast fashion by being an ecocentric, gender fluid, 1-of-1 wearable art association recognized by artists and designers worldwide. 

Although Ty and Lucine experienced life in different ways leading up to their first interaction, their core values and beliefs had always complemented each other along the way. As a Disabled, Queer, Non-binary, Mestize, identifying designer, artist and entrepreneur, Ty’s life has had its ups and downs. From undergoing brain surgery at a young age to being homeschooled starting sophomore year of high school, fashion became their saving grace. Lucine’s impressive background in fine art and shared passion for the fashion world is what helped connect the dots for the two to unite and create Twin Flame Productions. 

“By producing sustainable fashion created with end-to-end eco-friendly processes, and through our collaborations with Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities, we create opportunities for all people to have access and mobility to do what they love with abundance and ease. By doing so, we are ending the harmful and inhumane impact on the environment and workers within the fast-fashion industry.”

The company name itself conveys how an intense soul connection like that of Ty and Lucine’s can inspire and empower others to make a difference. With production plans set for the latter of 2021, Twin Flame Productions is taking off and turning heads. As they continue moving forward, it’s clear that their fight against fast fashion is gaining momentum and spreading awareness. 

“Every department of fast fashion production is quickly toxifying our planet and fosters inhumane manufacturing environments. We are committed to having a prominent role in ending the fast fashion industry as a whole, while simultaneously creating opportunities for independent designers.”

The founders of Twin Flame Productions are passionate about social causes and want to be influencers in the following communities: 2SLGBTQIA+ Owned and Friendly, Mestizx and Armenian Owned Business, Trans Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Indigenous Sovereignty, Land Back!, Community Outreach, Artist-Focus, Social Justice, and Environmental Activists. 

Ty and Lucine publicly advocate for The Artist Empire™, which is a worldwide collection of designers who produce their sustainably-made, artisanal garments for Twin Flame Productions to represent. It gives individual designers the chance to showcase their work and join a community of like-minded creatives. This type of inclusivity is unique to those who are striving to make a name for themselves. Twin Flame Productions makes sure that everyone’s voice is heard. 

Located in Los Angeles, California, Twin Flame Productions welcomes mindful shoppers and designers who want to make a difference in the fashion industry. This is a chance to do your part in helping the environment and contributing to the movement of sustainability. 

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