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Top 5 Tips to House Train Your New Puppy

Puppies are cute and playful, but they’re also messy and energetic. You’ll have an easier time keeping your new pup happy if you take some time to set up their home environment before welcoming them into it. One way to help your puppy adjust quickly is by ensuring they can find their potty area easily. It means putting things like pee pads down on the floor or even using tape so that they can mark their territory. It may seem like a lot of work, but we promise it’s worth it. Below are some tips for how to go about training your dog, so they will always know where the bathroom is.

House Training Your Puppy

House training your puppy is a lot like baby-proofing your house. If you want to keep your furniture and rugs safe, you must ensure that your baby can’t get at them. The same goes for puppies; if you want them to stay out of trouble, you will have to do something about it yourself.

The best way to house train a puppy is with consistency and patience. You have plenty of time on your side, so don’t rush things. It may take several months before your young dog becomes fully trained, so be prepared for some setbacks along the way (this could mean accidents inside). But keep at it; with time and effort, you’ll be able to teach her where she should go when nature calls.

Get a Crate or Pen

Getting a crate or pen is the best way to train your puppy. It teaches them that they can only relieve themselves in the designated area and helps them feel safe and secure. This way, they won’t go potty everywhere when you’re gone for long periods. You can also use a crate for when you are home as well.

If your puppy has never been crated, it may take time for them to adjust. The easiest way to get your dog used to the crate is by introducing small things into it like toys, treats, blankets, etc., until they feel comfortable with their surroundings. This way, they know this is where they should rest while not supervised by an adult human who cares about his health.

Start With the Basics

A puppy’s bodily functions are not fully developed until they’re about six months old. As a puppy parent, it’s up to you to establish good habits and proper bathroom etiquette.

For example, puppies need to be trained to go outside to do their business instead of indoors on the carpet or bed. They also need more frequent bathroom breaks than adult dogs do. Otherwise, their bladders will become enlarged and painful. For these reasons and more, starting with the basics is essential for house training your new puppy.

When it comes time for your furry friend’s first potty break of each day:

  • Take them outside immediately after waking up or eating food from their bowl (but try not to make this meal time too long before you take him outside).
  • Use an appropriate word or sound—like “bathroom” or “potty”—to indicate when they should pee or poop outside so that they learn what those words mean. When they do their business out on command, reward them with praise.

Setup a Bathroom Schedule

One of the essential parts of house training your new puppy is setting up a routine, so they know when to relieve themselves. It can be as simple as taking them outside at the same time every day, or if you have more than one puppy, try to keep them on similar schedules so that their needs are met at roughly the same time each day. If this isn’t possible because your puppies are too young for specific schedules, then make sure you take them out often. Every hour or two should suffice until they can hold it longer and become accustomed to relieving themselves outdoors.

If your schedule gets thrown off by something like being out running errands all day or staying home sick from work one day after being gone all week (or even if there’s an emergency), don’t worry. It’s okay if they need a few extra daily walks until they return to their routine again. Ensure not too many days pass without taking them out first thing in the morning before work, so they don’t start feeling anxious about using their indoor potty spot instead of going outside.

Use Treats to Reward

Treats are a great way to reinforce good behavior. Treats should be small, frequent, and given immediately after the behavior. Websites like PetCareRx have a dedicated section for training treats, which are ideal for this purpose. You’ll want to provide treats in a happy, enthusiastic tone so that your puppy knows they did well. So many people get this wrong, and they use their dog’s food bowl as a reward location (which is not allowed).

They then feed their dog out of their hand while they are sitting on the couch or at the kitchen table, which is like giving your child ice cream for brushing his teeth. The best place for treats is either in your pocket or behind your back, so they can be offered without you having to bend down over them. It will help avoid accidental nipping from puppies who have no idea what boundaries are yet.

Clean Up Accidents Immediately

It’s essential to clean up accidents immediately. Don’t allow your puppy to go to the bathroom inside; if they do, don’t punish them for it. If you see that your dog has had an accident, pick them up immediately and take them outside so they can finish their business out in a designated area. If you catch your dog going potty outdoors, give them lots of praise and treats after they accomplish their task.

If your puppy has had an accident inside while you were gone (or perhaps even while you were home), don’t rub their nose into it when you come back home. That’s going to teach them that peeing on the floor is fun. Instead of punishing the pup when they have accidents inside, set up some deterrents such as aluminum foil or newspaper under furniture legs so that if anything happens on those surfaces again, there will be no evidence left behind for them.


You can take steps to train your puppy not to pee inside, but it will take patience, time, and consistency on your part. If your puppy has had an accident in the house, clean it up thoroughly with an enzyme-based cleaner like Nature’s Miracle. It will eliminate odors and make the area less appealing for future accidents.

You may need to undergo a few training rounds before they master their new skill. However, once they do, they’ll quickly learn that going outside is much more fun than staying cooped up inside.

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