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Sam Wyly Discusses Managing Fatherhood and Career

Sam Wyly of Dallas TX is not only an entrepreneur in the technology sector but also a successful author. His publication of a memoir, titled 1,000 Dollars & an Idea, is good motivational literature for anyone seeking to turn an idea into income. In the year 2000, Sam Wyly appeared on Forbes’s list of richest Americans with a net worth of $750 million, and he remained on that list throughout 2010 with a net worth of $1 billion.

But, of all his success as a savvy deal maker, Mr. Wyly’s success as a father and husband is among his greatest achievements in life. A time when men took a hands-off approach to raise and teach children but were seen as the disciplinarians of the home to keep order is not exactly ancient history.

This familial phenomenon is being undone in the 21st century. From fathers being very present at child birthing classes all the way to the delivery of the child, Sam Wyly encourages fathers to take an ever-increasing role in the raising of their children.

But then, the question arises as to how new Dads can manage both fatherhood and a prospering career. It is, again, only recently that fathers are allowed to take paternity leave, so they can actively take part in the birth or adoption of their child, and bond with their baby while also supporting the mother.

Sam Wyly sees this as a direct support of the modern dad and his changing role in the family. As a matter of fact, even more, men are opting for the higher earnings potential of the wife, and have made the decision to join the ranks of stay-at-home dads – a population that is growing at a rapid pace, having increased by 50 percent between 2003 and 2006.

In order to better manage fatherhood and career, men need to learn how to establish a good work-life balance, similar to the way the modern woman has learned to juggle her career and raise a family. This would include using excellent time management skills and communicating needs to and from the other spouse.

Sam Wyly suggests this is an optimum time for new Dads because a growing business model is the work-from-option, which could effectively allow the Dad to take on more familial responsibilities.

Flexible work schedules are also a great incentive that employers are offering to their workers. Coordinating work hours with home schedules means that fathers will need to make the most of their time at home. Some ways to do this are to incorporate home exercise with the children and spend meals not in the TV room, but conversing together at the dining table.

And finally, Sam Wyly suggests leaving your work at the office or turning off the smartphone for some time while you’re with the family. And, the opposite also applies – it’s okay to say “no” to your children on occasion in order to get important work done for the office.

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