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Research Insights on Billionaires Under 30

Recent research has shed light on a significant trend in the world of wealth: all billionaires under the age of 30 have inherited their riches. This revelation marks the beginning of what experts are calling “the great wealth transfer,” where over $5.2 trillion is expected to change hands from aging super-rich individuals to their heirs over the next two decades.

Currently, the world boasts a record number of billionaires, totalling 2,781 individuals. This figure is anticipated to skyrocket in the years ahead as an older generation prepares to pass down their fortunes to their children.

Forbes magazine’s investigation reveals that among the 15 billionaires aged 30 or under, none have amassed their wealth through personal endeavors; rather, they have all benefited from substantial inheritances.

Take, for instance, the Mistry brothers from Ireland, Firoz and Zahan, who inherited a significant $4.9 billion each from their stakes in Tata Sons following their father’s passing in 2022. Similarly, the Del Vecchio siblings inherited considerable fortunes after their father, Leonardo Del Vecchio, founder of Luxottica, passed away in 2022.

At 19, Livia Voigt is the world’s youngest billionaire, inheriting a $1.1 billion fortune from her grandfather’s stake in WEG Industries. Experts project that over 1,000 billionaires aged 70 or older today are likely to transfer more than $5.2 trillion to their heirs in the coming decades.

While this trend underscores certain families’ immense wealth, it raises questions about intergenerational wealth distribution and economic equity. However, it’s essential to note that not all young billionaires have inherited their wealth. Entrepreneurs like Ben Francis, the 31-year-old founder of Gymshark, have built their fortunes from the ground up.

As we witness this shift in global wealth dynamics, it’s crucial to consider the broader implications. Estimates suggest that millennials will become the “richest generation in history” due to this wealth transfer, making it increasingly important to address issues of wealth inequality and access to opportunities.

Most Asked Question

Who is the youngest billionaire?
As of today, the youngest billionaire is Livia Voigt, a 19-year-old college student from Brazil. Her wealth comes from a minority stake in WEG, an electrical equipment company co-founded by her late grandfather.

How to become a billionaire?
Becoming a billionaire is incredibly difficult, but there are some common paths many successful people have taken. Here are some ideas:

  • Become an entrepreneur: Starting a successful business is a classic route to wealth. This requires a great business idea and strong leadership, marketing, and financial skills. Be prepared for a lot of hard work and the possibility of failure.
  • Invest wisely: Building wealth through investments takes time and knowledge. You can learn about stocks, bonds, real estate, and other investment vehicles to grow your money over the long term.
  • Develop in-demand skills: Certain skills are highly valuable in the job market. If you can become an expert in a field like computer science, engineering, or medicine, you may be able to command a high salary or start a lucrative business.

Who was the first billionaire?
The world’s first billionaire title is generally credited to John D. Rockefeller. He achieved this status in 1916, largely due to his ownership of Standard Oil. Rockefeller’s business acumen and strategic oil industry control propelled him to immense wealth.

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