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Los Angeles Hair Institute Discuss The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair loss is one of those common issues that affect men and women. It is caused by many factors, some are temporary, while other factors can’t be reversed which can lead to permanent hair loss.

What Is Hair Transplant Surgery?

A hair transplant in Torrance, CA is a procedure that involves relocating hair-bearing follicles (small portions) from the donor area. This hair is then transferred to a balding area of the patient’s scalp. This method is an effective treatment for permanent hair loss for certain people. In addition to treating baldness, these treatments are also used for re-growing hair on areas such as eyebrows, eyelashes, and the chest.

Hair Transplant Pros

• Aesthetic Change

The main benefit that this procedure can achieve is aesthetic changes that the patient will receive after the treatment. It provides a younger appearance and helps the person to feel more confident in both their business and social interactions.

• Improved Self-Esteem

Premature hair loss is often devastating and embarrassing for many people. A successful hair transplant procedure can help a person to regain their confidence and improve how they feel about themselves.

• Treatment

The scientific benefits of these treatments are that the person’s hair will grow back and it will remain intact. The technique that is used will also not compromise or change the follicular distribution.

• Natural Hair

A hair transplant involves the use of real hair so that it resembles the appearance of the person’s original hair. The procedure involves follicle grafts containing only a few strands of hair. The experts that perform these procedures are skilled at strategically placing these small grafts over the scalp to recreate a natural and full head of hair. Since the recipient will also be the donor, the hair transplants look completely natural.

• Simple Procedure

These treatments only require a local anesthetic, making the procedure relatively safe. More importantly, if the patient has not undergone excessive graft treatments, the risk of serious complications is much lower.

• Hair Growth

On completion of one of these treatments, the patient is not required to return for additional treatments to renew the hair. The implanted hair will carry on growing until its lifecycle comes to an end.

Hair Transplant Cons

Similar to just about any medical treatment, a hair transplant can also involve a few drawbacks. The patient needs to weigh up the pros and cons of a hair transplant and consult with an expert before they undergo any treatments.

• Cost

The most evident drawback of hair transplant procedures is the cost involved. Hair transplant surgery is very expensive and it can be financially unviable to many people. If the treatment is too expensive for a person, they can still incorporate diet and lifestyle changes or use a hair loss shampoo such as Alpecin Caffeine Shampoo, which is an effective product for hair loss. There are also effective medications including Alpecin Liquid that people can try before deciding on a more drastic measure such as hair transplant surgery

• Recovery

Even though most patients only take 3 days off work to recover from the surgery, the process of recovery can pose a few challenges. Some people experience significant bruising, pain, and swelling.

• Scarring

Scarring is an obvious disadvantage linked to this procedure. But for most people, the surgery only leaves minor and barely noticeable scars around the areas where the follicles were inserted. The scars are typically not visible unless the person decides to shave their hair.

• New Hairline

In most cases, hair transplant procedures will not give the person back their original hairline. The transplanted hair is usually positioned between the current hairline and the old hairline.

• Hair Loss

In most cases, the rest of the hair on the head will continue to thin out or fall out, which will mean the patient will have to return for another hair transplant surgery.

• Infection

Hair transplant surgery can also include risks such as bleeding or infection. However, these are risks that are uncommon provided the patient follows the instructions that the doctor provides. If excessive bleeding or infection persists, the patient must return to their doctor as soon as possible for further treatment. Nerve damage can also occur where the hair is extracted from.

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