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Entrepreneur: Interview With A Global CEO Brendon Shanil

Today, we have invited 7 figure businessman Brendon Shanil to join us and share his valuable experience. First, we would like to thank him for accepting our kind invitation. 

Brendon! Please tell our readers more about yourself.
I’m Brendon Shanil and I’m currently working as a businessman, entrepreneur and investor.

I’m the chairman of RB Organization. RB Organization is a company that is doing business in the United States, United Kingdom, France and Sri Lanka. This company holds the ownership of many other companies in various sectors like trading, real estate, construction, advertising, eCommerce, technology, education etc.

What made you choose business over other professions?
I had a passion for business since my youth. It’s what I’m good at and what I enjoy. I prefer to follow my passion than choosing a career path that I don’t like. Many people do high paying jobs, but they spend a stressful life. Life is meant to be enjoyed. No matter how much you earn, there is no value in your life if you’re not happy. I love business and therefore, I can do it all day without being stressed. 

How hard was it to become a successful businessman?
In the beginning, it was hard and I had to struggle. But I stayed strong and focused no matter what challenge came to my life. Always keep in mind that the first step is hard in everything. But if you don’t give up and keep moving forward, everything will become familiar eventually. My journey was the same. Although I struggled at the beginning, my strong determination and hard work drove me to success. 

In your opinion, what are the key elements for starting and running a successful business?
I will describe the three main elements that are valuable to build a successful business. 

  • Services and Products
  • What you offer or sell to your clients showcases the quality of your business. Therefore, make sure to give the best to your clients and satisfy their needs. Provide unique products and services that exceed their expectations. 
  • Marketing and Sales
  • This section is crucial as it affects the success or failure of your business. Although you have a unique and quality product, if you can’t market and sell it, that’s a failure. If you want to create a famous brand, marketing acts as the primary key to reach your goal. Additionally, marketing can double your sales and increase your fanbase. Therefore, it’s important to choose an experienced marketing team. You will clearly see an increment in sales after a successful marketing campaign. Therefore, keep an eye on products as well as marketing. 
  • Staff
  • If you have a staff who works under your instructions, it’s time to think of a way to train and manage them properly. A well-trained staff is capable of reaching their full potential. Keep in mind not to stress them. Giving them loads of work won’t do any good because they seek for an easy way to finish work when they are stressed. It might harm the quality of your business. Therefore, train and manage them while treating them like your family. 

Do you have any advice for a businessman who is just starting out? 
If you’re just starting out, find a colleague or partner to share your vision. It will make the work more comfortable and more organized. The success rate of a team is higher than an individual. Make plans and calculate risks before launching something new. Have faith in yourself and be persistent. Believe that you can win and one day, you will indeed achieve greatness. 

Finally, we would like to present our sincere gratitude to businessman Brendon Shanil for sacrificing his valuable time for us. We hope that this interview will give our readers the motivation to keep up their excellent work. Keep grinding and all your hard work will pay off soon.  

To know more about Brendon Shanil visit: www.BrendonShanil.com and don’t forget to follow him on Facebook @BShanil, Twitter @BrendonShanil, Instagram @BrendonShanil, LinkedIn @BrendonShanil and YouTube @BrendonShanil

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