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Top 5 Beginner Mistakes with Infographic Designs and How to Avoid Them

Did you know that engaging visuals and animations were two of last year’s biggest content marketing trends? When it comes to getting the attention of your target audience, infographics are just fantastic.

But infographics are all about appealing to the visual side of your audience. If you have a confusing mess of facts and graphics, you must do it right.

Avoid making these beginner mistakes with infographic designs that flow, get attention, and are good.

1. Overcrowding

When using an infographic template for the first time, one of the most common mistakes is putting too much information on the layout. Even though it’s tempting to include everything, an infographic template can help you focus on what’s most important and keep the content short.

By following the structure and visual cues of the template, you can make sure that the key points you want to make stand out while still making good use of white space for a clean and balanced layout.

2. Poor Color Choices

Color is a powerful tool in infographic design, but people just starting often make mistakes by using too many colors or choosing color combinations that clash. This can hurt the look and readability of the infographic as a whole.

To avoid this, use a infographic color options consistent with your brand and content. Choose colors that go well together, and make sure the text stands out enough from the background. Use color psychology to make people feel or think about things related to your topic.

3. Lack of Visual Consistency

Infographics should have a visually cohesive and harmonious design. However, beginners often neglect this aspect and end up with a disjointed infographic.

To maintain visual consistency, use a consistent style for icons, fonts, and illustrations throughout the design. Ensure that the elements’ sizes, shapes, and colors are aligned and balanced. This creates a sense of unity and professionalism in the overall visual presentation. 

4. Complex Data Representation

Presenting complex data in an infographic can be challenging, especially for beginners. It’s common to see infographics with intricate charts or graphs that need to be clarified for readers rather than help them understand the information.

To avoid this, simplify the data representation as much as possible. Use clear and straightforward visuals that effectively convey the message, such as bar charts, pie charts, or diagrams. Ensure that the chosen data visualization accurately represents the information and is easy to interpret.

5. Ignoring Typography

Text on infographics is an important part of designing infographics, but beginners often don’t realize its importance. If you use too many fonts or don’t choose the right ones, it can hurt the look and readability of the infographic.

To avoid this, use at most three font families in the design as a whole. You can change things by using different weights or styles within each family. Choose fonts that fit with your infographic’s tone and purpose. Ensure the text is easy to read by using the right font size and leaving enough space between lines and paragraphs.

Say Goodbye to Beginner Mistakes With Infographic Designs

Infographic design can be greatly effective but needs to be done well. Awareness of the top five beginner mistakes with infographic designs and how to avoid them can go a long way toward producing an effective infographic.

Take a few moments to review best infographic design practices and start crafting engaging and powerful visuals. Don’t forget to keep it simple and readable!

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