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Strategies to Safeguard Your Business from Online Threats

The Internet can be a dangerous place, especially for companies that fall prey to a cyber attack. But there are ways to fight back against these online adversaries. We’ll discuss nine of these options in this post. We’ll also look at why cyber security insurance is a good idea for most companies.

Why Is Backing up Data so Important?

Ultimately, every cyber criminal is after your company’s information. If they can’t steal it, then they may very well try to destroy it. That’s why it’s important to back up all of your data on a regular basis. It’s better to use an automated backup system than rely on manual backups.

The Cloud is the best place to store your backup information. Using flash drives or other physical mediums entails a serious risk, since it only takes a moment’s inattention to lose or destroy your data.

How Do Firewalls Protect Company Data?

A firewall is the digital equivalent of an armed security guard. It monitors and controls access to your network, helping to keep the bad guys out. Traditional firewalls are good for protecting your internal company network, but consider adding a Cloud-based firewall service for added security.

How Can a Company Stay Secure in a BYOD Environment?

It may seem risky to let your workers use their personal tablets and cell phones to access your company’s resources. But the highly mobile nature of today’s workplace makes this a virtual necessity. This is known as having a “bring your own device” (BYOD) policy.

To minimize any risks from BYOD, your company should use a virtual private network (VPN) that directs all incoming traffic to a single server. VPN for PC is one of the most popular virtual private network modes. You should also train your workers in cyber security basics and remove former employees’ login privileges as soon as they leave the business.

What Kind of Password Is Best for Today’s Workplace?

A hard to crack business password has the following characteristics:

  • It’s at least 12 characters long.
  • It includes letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • It has a mixture of lowercase and uppercase letters.
  • It’s unrelated to an employee’s birthday or other memorable dates.

For added security, make sure your employees change their passwords every 90 days.

Is Using Freeware Risky?

Free software, also known as “freeware,” is widely available on the Internet. But these programs are sometimes loaded with Trojan horses and other security threats. For this reason, it’s always best to stick with standard software created by companies like Adobe and Microsoft. The added security more than compensates for the cost.

How to Handle Network Access Where Contractors Are Concerned?

Anyone who works with your business will potentially have access to its network. That’s why all your contractors and other nonemployee associates should undergo a standard background check. Most third party service providers are happy to comply with this request.

How Should a Business Manage Its Administrative Privileges?

Administrative privileges give certain employees added access to your network. Make sure these workers are worthy of your trust before granting them these powers. Remember to revoke these privileges as soon as an employee leaves the business.

Is Encryption Important?

Encryption makes it impossible for third parties to decipher any data they acquire. It’s essential for all your company devices and for sensitive emails.

What about Hardware Theft?

With so much focus on software security, it’s easy to forget that hardware is vulnerable to data theft as well. You should avoid the use of company flash drives and CDs, block employees from downloading data at their workstations, and require all ex-employees to return company devices immediately.

Is Cybersecurity Insurance a Good Idea for Businesses?

Absolutely. Here’s what can happen to your business if it lacks this important coverage:

  • You may end up paying ransom to cyber criminals, without hope of reimbursement.
  • You may find yourself in an expensive legal battle that you cannot afford: whereas cyber security insurance can make it possible for you to hire attorneys and other experts.
  • You may be on the hook for expensive damages: if customers or other parties take legal action against your business.
  • You may have no way to restore your reputation: many cyber security policies include services to help your company protect its good name in the event of a data breach.
  • Your customers may be vulnerable to personal cyber attacks: without the notification service included in many cyber security insurance policies.
  • You’ll always be worried about a cyber attack: which can make enjoying your time off all but impossible.

Summing It All Up

Any business can fall prey to a cyber attack. But you can reduce the risk of it happening to your company by following the tips in this post. The effort you invest will pay for itself many times over with added peace of mind. So take care, and stay safe out there in the digital world.

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