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Some 9 Tips Tricks for Troubleshooting Satellite TV

Satellite TV has been there for years and remains popular among viewers. Whether you love its image quality or affordability, satellite TV remains popular among elders and children.

In fact, about 37% of the young generation spends at least two to three hours watching Satellite TV channels. And like other models, satellite TV experiences disruptions, but this should not stop you from enjoying your favorite channel.

You can experience a blank screen or no sound as you watch your favorite DirecTV channel. Other disruptions include poor image quality or static screens. Whatever the problem, simple adjustments on the dish, TV, or cables can rectify the problem. 

Read on and learn some nine tips and tricks to help you have your satellite TV up and working after disruptions from this post.

What to Do If Your Satellite TV Fails to Receive Signals

The beauty of satellite TV packages is that they offer many affordable channels. However, you can gain access to more desirable and premium movie channels with suitable DTV internet packages. For instance, you can watch one of your favorite exclusive sports channels live!

However, every technological advancement experiences some technical challenges. For instance, they can lose signals, especially when the dish is facing away from the signal source. 

When this happens, you should not worry because signal loss is common if anything obstructs them. Thus, you might need to do some quick troubleshooting. But how?

Troubleshooting Satellite TV

Satellite TV can experience signal interruption due to poor installation or worn-out cables. When this happens, contact you can try some effective troubleshooting methods before contacting your satellite TV provider for help. The following tips and tricks are helpful when your satellite TV loses signals. 

1. Check Connections at the Receiver and Low Noise Block Downconverter (LNB)

The satellite receiver attracts specific channels from the satellite, decodes them, and relays them on your screen. 

After which, the LNB directs the satellite signal to the antenna, where it is amplified. If you see images but receive no sound, check out the connection at the receiver and LNB. 

The connection could be off or have broken cables. You can adjust the connections to enhance signal flow and restore TV sound quality.

2. Change Satellite Position

Image Source: Pexels

Entertainment, news, and live shows stream to your DirecTV packages from the satellite dish. The signals come from different directions depending on the channel at the receiver. Therefore, your TV can lose signals if the dish is facing away from the signal source. 

When you change the satellite position, your dish aligns with the signal source, and your screen pictures become clearer. You can put your satellite dish anywhere but avoid places with obstruction.

Twisting your dish at different angles can help you identify the strongest signals and set it in that direction.

3. Examine the Coaxial Line From the Dish to the Receiver

Signals move from the dish to the receiver through the coaxial cable. The center wire and the metal shield move in a straight line to avoid canceling each other. 

If the axial cable is not straight, signals may come into contact and cancel. To fix this problem, ensure the coaxial cable and the metallic shield are straight.

4. Reboot Your TV

Sometimes your TV space gets used up, requiring you to refresh. If you observe your satellite TV going off or blank, put it off and disconnect all cables. Allow your TV  to rest for 20 minutes before reconnecting it to power again. It attracts signals strongly when you put it on, giving you better sound images.

When rebooting a TV, connect all cables to respective terminals before you switch it on. This protects your TV from short-circuiting.

You can also refresh your TV receiver by disconnecting it from power, letting it rest for a few minutes, and reconnecting it again.

5. Examine the Radio Guide (RG) Specification on the Coaxial Line

Coaxial cables have different RG specifications. For effective signal transmission, your cable RG should be 60 or more. If the RG performance falls below 60, the signal transmission fails, so the signals hardly reach the antenna. You should use cables with the required performance specifications.

6. Replace Worn Out or Damaged Cables and Dish

Worn-out cables and dish transmit signals poorly, making your TV sound poor. If the cable corrodes due to contact with air and water, signals fail to move to the receiver leaving your screen blank. 

Water can also get into the cable through cracks; therefore, you should ensure your cables are in good condition. You should fix this by replacing worn-out cables and dishes with new ones.    

7. Check for Obstructions

Trees and tall buildings can shield your satellite dish and interfere with signal transmission. This results in poor or no sound from your TV or blurred images. When installing your satellite dish, look for open space. Glass also obstructs signals; therefore, your dish should be higher than the glass walls to avoid the shielding effect. 

Electronic devices like mobile phones and tablets tend to divert signal transmission. When you place them near your TV, they attract the signal leading to poor image or sound quality from the screen. Keeping the devices away can solve the problem. Radar stations and smart meters can also interfere with signal transmission.

8. Use Quality Cable and Connections

Quality cables are long-lasting and resist bending. This makes signals flow smoothly from the satellite dish to the receiver. Your TV cable connections should also be strong and quality to prevent signal loss during transmission. 

9. Find a Qualified Installer to Help You

If you have problems installing your satellite TV, you can seek help from a qualified installer. They will ensure the dish is located at the right place and all connections are properly made. You can also look for the buyer’s guide and fix all cables and dishes as directed.

One advantage of getting a qualified installer is the advice on the right cable to use and making the right cable connections.

Final Thoughts

Your satellite TV is an important device and requires care. Although it experiences disruptions, you can fix most problems without involving an expert. The corrective measures are simple and manual, for example, rebooting your TV, checking cables, and removing any obstruction.

Some disruptions, however, require an expert to fix. If you try the above tips and tricks but your TV fails to work, call an expert to correct the problem.

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