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Renovating an Old Home: The Starter Guide

Old homes – they don’t build them like they used to. This is a mantra easily held by pretty much every homeowner because while old homes do absolutely come with their own host of problems, those problems start with a far more solid base than what you’d deal with in a new home. New homes are made fast, they’re made as cheap as possible, and they’re designed in a way to encourage further development by their homeowners actively.

Old homes, on the other hand, are made of heavy, sturdy materials that simply aren’t used today. They also come with so much charm! If you love the architectural details of times gone past, there’s simply nothing quite like owning a vintage home.

Of course, old homes come with their own set of problems, which is why you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the renovation process by reading this guide.

Always Have an Inspection

Unless you got the property for an incredible deal and are prepared to pay for expensive repairs, you’re going to want to have a thorough home inspection done in advance. If you already own the property (for example, you bought it for cash or inherited it), you’ll want that home inspection done before you move in.

Common Repairs You’ll Want to Make Before You Move In

There are a few repairs you’ll likely need to make before you ever move in, including:

· Your Roof

Asphalt shingle roofs have a lifespan of 15 to 30 years, depending on the type of shingles installed. If the home hasn’t been repaired or fixed at all in that time or has experienced severe neglect before you came upon it, then chances are you’re going to need to hire a roofing company. If you’re in Orlando, then choose a top roofing company in Orlando that can help you safely and successfully reinstall a roof to your design specifications. You may want to change out your roof from shingles to metal. Metal roofs, when installed correctly, can last up to 80 years. Make sure that the company you hire also specializes in metal roofing before you hire them for the job.

· Windows and Doors

Windows are another common victim of the march of time. Even if the property has double-glazing, if those windows are over 30 years old, they aren’t going to be nearly as efficient as they once were or could be again. That’s why, if you now own an old home that hasn’t seen a home upgrade in decades, you’ll want to refresh your windows and seal your doors to prevent drafts.

· Plumbing

Damp and leaks either occur due to a crack in the roof or a crack in your pipes. During the inspection, always have all the pipes in your home looked at. If there is an issue or if your home is so old thatit’s still using lead pipes, these will need to be replaced ASAP before you move in.

· Electricity

The same applies to your home’s wiring. If there’s any sort of issue or if the wiring job was done terribly to the point where it’s just a living hazard, you’ll want this fixed before you move in. Everything else can be done in projects after you move in, but your structural, plumbing, and electrical repairs must be done in advance to keep your family safe and healthy after you move in.

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