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How to Have to Make Your Moving Faster, Easier, and Less Stressful

Moving can be stressful, but it’s also an exciting time in your life. You get to meet new people, explore a new city or neighborhood, and build a new home. There are plenty of ways to make moving easier on yourself and those around you, from saving money during the process itself to packing strategically so that your belongings arrive safely at their destination. Here are some tips for making your move as quick and painless as possible:

Rent a Storage Unit

Rent a storage unit. If you don’t think you’ll have room for everything you want to bring with you during your move and it’s not worth selling or giving away items that don’t fit in the new space, consider renting a storage unit. This way, all those unwieldy boxes can be crammed into one convenient location until they’re needed again later on down the line.

Take advantage of friends’ and family members’ space. While it may be tempting to unpack everything into your new place right away so that it feels like home, resist this urge! You’d likely end up with lots of leftover clutter afterward (and who wants that?). Instead, ask friends or family members if they mind storing some of the things while they await their next use, they’ll be happy to help out.

Use a Professional Packing Service

Another option is to use a professional house packing service. These services are highly trained and will pack your things carefully and appropriately, ensuring that they are protected from damage during the move. Sometimes, it can be difficult to reach certain areas of your home or apartment when you’re trying to pack yourself, so using a professional packing service will ensure that everything gets packed safely and securely.

In addition to using professionals for packing services, there are also ways that you can make sure your moving process goes smoothly, you’ll be able to have an easier time with your next move.

Additionally, for those seeking efficient and reliable moving services, platforms like Shiply offer a wide range of options, making it easier to find the right help for your specific moving needs, whether it’s for household items or specialized items like motorcycles.

Label every box.

Label each box with the room it belongs in. This is a super easy way to make sure you don’t get confused and forget where your stuff went when you open up that giant moving truck on the other side of town.

Marking your boxes is important, but you also want to make sure that they’re labeled in a way that will be easy for anyone else who might need to move them around later. There are lots of ways to do this, depending on how fancy or budget-friendly you want things to be:

  • Use a permanent marker
  • Use an indelible marker (one that won’t fade)
  • Use a label maker (if you have one!)

Don’t pack your clothes.

  • Clothes take up a lot of space.
  • They can be expensive to replace.
  • You may not like the climate in your new city, so you might have to buy new clothes anyway.
  • Don’t pack them! You can always buy new clothes when you arrive at your destination and need them. If you do decide to pack your clothes, make sure they’re wrinkle-free and easy to iron (if necessary). If possible, use vacuum bags instead of plastic grocery bags—they’re more efficient at containing moisture and odor than plastic bags are and will keep mold from forming on any suitcases that may be stored together in a container.

Pack a “Moving Day” box.

This is the last step to packing up your stuff. It should include only the essentials you’ll need to survive in your new place while you unpack – things like food, toiletries, and bedding. This way, when the movers arrive on moving day and start bringing everything into your new home, if any items get lost or damaged along the way (which can happen) there are still things that are accessible and replaceable.

The best thing about having a “moving day” box is that it helps keep stress levels low by eliminating confusion over what goes where as well as keeping messes at bay while everyone else works around them! You can either throw this box into one of those big moving cartons once everything has been removed from it or keep it handy until all of its contents have been put away properly in their respective rooms/areas of residence (depending on how much stuff you’ve got).

Get Help from the Property Manager

  • Get Help from the Property Manager

If you’re moving into an apartment or condo, your property manager like this property management company in Christchurch should have connections with movers and storage providers. They can also help you find a place to rent if you don’t want to deal with looking for one on your own.

No matter what you do, don’t do it alone.

Even if you think you are going to do everything yourself, chances are that at some point during your move, your friends and family will ask if they can help. When this happens, be open to their offers of help.

If someone says they can come over and help unpack or move the furniture from one room to another, accept their offer. If someone offers to drive a few boxes over for you, let them know if there is anything specific that needs moving from where it’s currently located in your house to the new home (i.e., can these books be stacked on top of each other on these shelves?).

You might have an idea as to how much time certain tasks will take but don’t get frustrated if things go slowly or take longer than planned; everyone has different schedules and commitments during this busy season so planning on something taking two hours when realistically it could end up taking four hours might lead only frustration with yourself once reality hits (and trust me, those feelings of “I wish I had just done more work myself” will still be there).

It’s also important that you’re organized when packing up items because once again – time will fly by when doing this sort of thing but being organized helps keep stress levels down! If one person starts packing something while another person comes along later with boxes then there isn’t any need for extra steps like sorting through what belongs inside which box before loading them into a car or truck bed.

Start packing early.

  • Start packing early. This is the most important thing to keep in mind during the moving process. Packing up your entire house and finding a new place to call home will be much easier if you don’t wait until the last minute to start packing. You should have already decided where you are going, so now it’s time to get started.
  • Don’t pack when you’re tired or stressed out. If possible, try not to plan on packing when you’re exhausted from work or dealing with a stressful situation at home, these things can make for an unpleasant experience and cause problems such as losing track of what needs to be packed or accidentally including items that shouldn’t go into storage with other things.
  • Don’t pack when hungry or thirsty either, especially if it’s hot outside (or even colder temperatures). This is because hunger tends not only to make us less productive but also more irritable about anything else going wrong in life (and there will always be something else going wrong!). On top of this, being thirsty makes it harder for our brains to function properly because they don’t have enough blood circulating to them due to dehydration effects which could lead them to become distracted while trying to focus on one task at hand such as moving house!”

Download the apps you’ll need for your new city and neighborhood.

It’s easy to overlook this step, but many services have mobile versions that can help you feel right at home in no time. The most obvious ones are Google Maps and Uber. You’ll want them because they will help you navigate around town, so download those first. Next, look into downloading apps that will help with eating out (like Yelp) or locating local businesses (like Air Bnb). If there’s anything specific about where you’re moving, say, a specific restaurant chain or retailer, you might even find a dedicated app for that, does with its Restaurant Finder app.

Drive carefully and be prepared for any emergencies.

Driving to a new place can be an exciting adventure, but it’s also important to be prepared for any car-related emergencies. Have car insurance and the phone number of a car crash lawyer just in case something happens on the way. It’s also a good idea to ensure your car is tuned up before you start driving so that you won’t have car problems while traveling. And please don’t forget to take breaks during your drive so that you stay alert and focused.

Wear comfortable clothing that you can easily move in while lifting heavy objects and that you won’t mind getting dirty or stained.

Wear comfortable clothing that you can easily move in while lifting heavy objects and that you won’t mind getting dirty or stained. Even if you’re only planning to do a few light loads, remember that it’s important to be prepared for anything. It never hurts to have more than one pair of pants, shirts, and shoes on hand when your load is heavier than expected.

Wear clothes that are comfortable enough for long periods but not too loose-fitting so they don’t impede movement or become snagged on something during transit. The last thing you want is an article of clothing slipping off while carrying boxes up the stairs or struggling with furniture through narrow doorways or hallways; having these issues would add even more unnecessary stress!

Make sure your clothes are easy to take off and put back on as well as easy to clean (if necessary) after a long day’s worth of moving around town with heavy items in tow—this way your outfit doesn’t become soiled beyond recognition before its time has passed!

Moving can be a pain, but there are ways to make it easier for yourself and all involved parties.

Moving can be a pain, but there are ways to make it easier for yourself and all involved parties.

  • Label every box. This is the most important thing to do, as it makes unpacking so much easier. If you don’t label, then you’ll have to dig through every box to find what you’re looking for, wasting precious time and energy. Plus, if someone else moves in after your move-out date, they won’t know what’s what without labels on each box!
  • Don’t pack your clothes. Yes, we know this may sound counterintuitive—after all, isn’t that the main reason why people move? But think about it: if you’re going to live somewhere new (or even just switch rooms), do you need ALL of those clothes? You probably only wear half of them anyway…and why move everything when most of it is perfectly fine here? We recommend packing only 1-2 suitcases per person—anything more than that will slow down the moving process because there will be too many items being packed/unpacked at once!
  • Rent a storage unit before moving day. This way everything doesn’t have space where it shouldn’t—like under beds or couches! It also prevents clutter from forming around your new home during those first few weeks after moving in; keep everything neatly tucked away until needed again later down the road when space becomes available once again within the current structure itself.”


So, to recap: Label every box, pack a day before your move, rent a storage unit, use a professional packing service, and get help from your property manager if you can (but don’t expect them to do all the work for you), and perhaps most importantly, don’t do it alone! Moving is hard work, but it doesn’t have to be as stressful as people often think. If we can all remember these key tips when planning our next move or helping someone else with theirs, we’ll all be much better off in the long run.

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