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How to Choose the Right Reading Class for Your 3-Year-Old

Choosing the right reading class for your 3-year-old can be daunting, especially since there are so many options. Many reading classes are great at teaching foundational reading skills, but some are better than others when it comes to instilling the love of reading in your little one’s heart and soul. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a reading class for 3-year old.

1. Your Child Should Feel Like Learning Is Fun

There is nothing worse than your child dreading the time he spends learning something new. It’s important that your child learns to associate his reading class with fun, or else he is likely to avoid it in the future. When your child enjoys learning, then he is more likely to excel at it and continue pursuing his love of reading for years to come. A reading class should be about having fun and enjoying oneself rather than slaving away over workbooks and flashcards.

2. The Teacher Should Be Well-Trained in Effective Reading Techniques

The teacher should be well-versed in effective techniques for teaching young children how to read. It’s important to find a teacher who has a solid grasp of the basics when teaching young children. Having an excellent grasp of reading techniques will allow the teacher to teach your child using more sophisticated, effective techniques.

3. The Class Should Regularly Focus on Reading Fluency

If the class does not focus on reading fluency, then a parent is likely to wonder if their child is actually learning how to read at all. Reading fluency refers to something that happens subconsciously when kids are learning how to read. Once your child begins enjoying reading and it becomes fun, you should make sure that she learns how to read fluently by focusing on it regularly in the class schedule and practice sessions.

4. The Class Should Include Plenty of Book-Inspired Activities

If the class doesn’t include plenty of book-inspired activities and lesson plans, then your child is likely to get bored easily. If the class only focuses on flashcards, worksheets and repetitive drills, then your child is likely to become disillusioned with reading. By including fun book-inspired activities, a parent can ensure that their child will continue her love for reading for years to come.

5. The Class Should Be Fun and Engaging in More Ways than One

Many classes out there offer singing, art projects and more fun activities along with the reading material itself. By adding in these fun activities, a parent can ensure that their child will have a great time while they’re learning to read. If the class is fun and exciting, then your child will look forward to the time he spends there rather than dread it.

6. The Class Should Engage the Whole Family

It’s important for both parents and grandparents to be involved in your child’s reading class, especially if your child is three years old. It can be extremely helpful to draw the family into the learning process so that the family can help encourage the child as well as provide support and encouragement when they need it most.

It’s important to remember that the right reading class for your 3-year-old will depend on a variety of factors, including the personality and interests of your child. It’s not going to be an easy decision, so make sure to do plenty of research before choosing a good reading class that works best for your child.

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