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Do You Need to Hire a Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer?

Getting involved in a motor vehicle accident is frankly an unnerving ordeal for anyone. Even minor fender benders can cause injuries and property damage that lead to expensive medical bills, lost wages, and car repairs.

That’s why it’s important to know your legal rights and options if you’ve been involved in an auto accident.

While the thought may seem burdensome at first, experienced motor vehicle accident lawyers are well-versed in injury claims and could help you pursue fair compensation.

Why Hiring Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers is Important

In any accident, insurance companies have skilled negotiators determined to minimize payouts. Although representatives may seem friendly, their goal is protecting profits, not fully compensating victims. An attorney counters these tactics, advocating and obtaining maximum potential settlement or damages.

Without legal representation, people often accept far less than fair amounts or miss opportunities due to technicalities. An award may look generous initially but fail to cover ongoing needs, while qualified counsel considers long-term effects.

Major Injuries Require Major Representation

Major injuries like traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, or limb amputations require extensive, lifelong care that continuously mounts costs. Attorneys make certain insurers acknowledge full severity and do not limit liability based on initial prognosis.

They also establish paper trails proving driver negligence through obtaining police reports and witness statements. This builds an ironclad case, bolstering the chances of successful litigation if an agreement can’t be reached.

While it’s common to feel fine immediately after a crash, only for aches and issues to surface later. However, the statute of limitations on claiming further damages expires within a set timeframe.

An attorney is aware of these deadlines and ensures all bases are covered in case the situation changes. This protects the right to fair compensation down the road if the accident has greater repercussions than first thought.

Risk-Free Assistance Through Contingency Payments

While no fee is due unless pursuing legal action proves fruitful, retaining a lawyer involves no financial risk. Their payment comes as a portion of the damages awarded. This is what’s known as contingency payment.

Meanwhile, representation lifts the distress of single-handedly confronting major corporations and complex legalese after misfortune. Accident victims can rest assured experts fight in their corner while tending to recovery – an invaluable service, especially for the seriously injured.

Consider Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers for Your Claim

Motor vehicle accidents are unpredictable facts of life whose aftermath brings enough strain. You don’t have to shoulder a potentially unfair settlement alone in case the worst happens.

Seasoned motor vehicle accident lawyers with a track record of results through thorough preparation and diligent advocacy on clients’ behalf can secure you the compensation you deserve for economic as well as non-economic damages.

For those struck by misfortune on the road in places like New York, legal representation through reputable firms like Lipsig, Shapey, Manus & Moverman, P.C. affords them the best possible outcome during a difficult time. Don’t hesitate to contact them for a free initial consultation regarding a motor vehicle accident claim.

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