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Cleaning Tips for New Parents

You never seem to be able to get rid of the mess once you bring a newborn home. Staying on top of things is crucial for new parents in order to prevent things from getting out of control. Your infant can play and roam around safely in your house if you keep it tidy. Since there are germs everywhere, you don’t want your young children to fall sick out of the blue. No matter what messes your new addition tries to make, you can ensure that your home is maintained clean and cozy by putting some helpfulcleaning tips for new parents in La Jolla Village into practice.

If you want to know more keep reading, and we’ll explain everything!

1. Get Ready With a House Cleaning Kit

You’ll end up saving a ton of time and frustration in the upcoming months if you always have a cleaning kit on hand. First and foremost, you need to confirm that every item in your kit is non-toxic and environmentally safe. Even while you should always strive to utilize these products, doing so is especially crucial if you have a newborn at home.

To start, you need dish soap to clean your baby bottles and pacifiers. Additionally, you want to have a multipurpose cleaner that you may use on any surface.Another essential is laundry detergent. How much laundry a baby can produce will amaze you.

A foaming hand cleanser is a useful tool for preventing the spread of germs. And remember to stock up because you’ll need it a lot in the beginning. A lot of cleaning tasks can also be completed with the aid of some cleaning cloths, brushes, and a microfiber duster.

2. Purify Air in Baby’s Room Using Plants

Did you realize that the air inside your house is more contaminated than the air outside? Additionally, you must make sure that the air in your home is clean because your baby’s lungs are still developing.Opening the windows is one of the best things you can do for your home’s air quality. You’ll experience crosswinds, which might enhance indoor air quality.

Plants can also be added to your nursery, which is another option. Most toxins can be removed from the air by specific plants in less than a day.Aloe Vera, Sansevieria, and Spider Plants are excellent additions to a nursery. Additionally, these plants require relatively little upkeep. Low-maintenance plants will make your life a lot simpler because you’ll already be very occupied with the baby.Additionally, if you have aloe vera, you can use the plant’s gel if your child unintentionally scratches themselves.

3. Create a “Tasted Toys” Bucket.

Babies want to eat everything with their mouths. Because of this, it’s crucial to keep their toys tidy. However, cleaning and sterilizing each and every item after use can take a long time.You can design a method that makes the entire washing process simpler to make things simpler to manage.

One practical method is to line a galvanized bucket with a clothes wash bag. Simply put a pacifier or toy in the bucket after washing it. When you’re ready to run the dishwasher again, zip up the wash bag and set it on the rack.If you don’t have a maid, you can leave the cleaning to the dishwasher, which will also leave the toys clean and in good condition.

4. Remove Crayon Stains using WD-40.

Crayons are popular with children. Crayons are also quite helpful for them, which may surprise you. They will acquire the right pencil grip, develop better hand-eye coordination, and have more opportunities to express their creativity.

Unfortunately, they frequently use things other than paper to express their creativity, such as clothing, furniture, and other items. WD-40 is a simple solution for crayon stains. Simply spritz a small quantity onto the stain and wipe it away with a cloth. If you can’t do it from time to time, a professional home cleaning service in Los Angeles can do it for you.

5. Clean Sippy Cups Using Vinegar

Sippy cups and baby bottles can rapidly get gross and foul. Sippy cups shouldn’t smell like sour milk, even if infant bottles should be sterilized to get rid of that scent. Additionally, occasionally sippy cup odors are too strong for the dishwasher to handle.

Fortunately, there is one approach that generally works.Put the sippy cup, particularly the lid, in warm water and white vinegar solution to soak. Each liquid should be used in an equal amount.After that, drain the cup and put it through your dishwasher’s hot cycle. After you do that, it ought to smell brand-new!

Image Credit: Pexels (Pavel Danilyuk)

Home Cleaning Advice for New Parents

Things can quickly get very overwhelming when you become a parent. And no matter how well-prepared you believed yourself to be, or how many books and classes you attended, it’s a completely other game once you get the baby home.

The state of our homes often requires us to put in a lot of effort and time to get them in order. But following the tips above will save you a lot of time and effort, so you can concentrate more on parenting instead of cleaning. Or in cases where you really have a busy schedule, hiring a house cleaning agency to take care of all the labor-intensive tasks is often a better choice. Our expert home cleaning services can help you if you need them. Contact us today to discover more.


When can I start cleaning after having a baby?

Get back to your light workout and domestic chores.

Similar to this, two weeks following birth you should be ready to begin regular household tasks like house cleaning without too much difficulty.

However, if you underwent a C-section, you will return to the doctor at the 2-week mark for a wound check to ensure that your incision is healing properly. Your doctor won’t approve of any additional activity until this is complete.

When should I do housecleaning with my infant?


If you don’t have a maid, the greatest time to complete your household chores is during the baby’s nap. Learn how to effectively utilize your time by reading this guide on how to keep the house clean and neat when you have young children.

Is everything needed to be washed before the baby arrives?

Baby’s clothing, blankets, and other washable materials that will come into contact with their skin should all be washed. It’s a good idea to do it before they wear them even if it’s not required to do it before they are born.

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