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7 Advantages of Driving an Electric Car

Climate change has become the number one talking point on the global agenda. Societies and political leaders around the globe are focusing on climate change. A significant part of the climate change discussion is global warming and how to prevent it. Scientists have identified emissions from internal combustion engine cars as the primary producer of carbon dioxide, a gas that directly causes global warming.

With the focus on reducing carbon dioxide, there has been a renewed emphasis on developing electric cars (EVs). Electric cars use electricity produced by rechargeable batteries as their primary power source. The batteries are contained within the vehicle’s body, and electric vehicles are environmentally friendly because they do not produce any carbon emissions.

Environmental friendliness is one advantage of electric cars, but there are also many others, including lower operating costs, reduced noise pollution, lower maintenance costs, and lower repair costs. 

The future of automotive transport is electrically powered vehicles. Here we will examine the advantages in greater detail and show how using electricity as a vehicle power source will benefit you and future generations. According to Northwest Collision Center, an auto body shop in St. Petersburg, FL, these are the seven biggest advantages of driving an electric car:

1. Eco-Friendly Design

The main advantage of electric cars is that the engine does not burn carbon-based fuel and therefore does not emit carbon dioxide exhaust fumes. The lack of exhaust emissions helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, and, in turn, this leads to a reduction in global warming.

Electric engines are also considerably quieter than internal combustion engines, which means they help reduce noise pollution. Electric cars are also energy renewable and energy sustainable. For example, in some makes of electric cars, the batteries are charged by kinetic energy every time the brakes are applied.

2. Lower Cost

Electric cars have a higher initial upfront cost than internal combustion engine cars. However, if you’re considering electric cars for sale in san diego, you’ll the cost is balanced out by the advantages of electric vehicles.

For example, electric cars are cheaper to maintain than internal combustion engine cars. In electric cars you don’t have to change the oil, replace gaskets or clean valves when they get clogged and blocked. As an internal combustion engine ages, it is subject to wear and tear, which means a noticeable increase in maintenance costs. However, in an electric car there is no engine with parts that deteriorate and this means a considerable reduction in maintenance costs over the long term.

Electric cars are also cheaper to run as they do not require filling up with expensive gasoline. A study conducted by the University of Michigan in 2018 found that the average cost of fuel an electric car was approximately $485 annually, whereas a car powered by gasoline costs approximately $1,117 annually. The difference in operating costs has substantially increased in recent times due to the marked increase in the price of gasoline, which is currently more expensive than at anytime in human history.

Analysts estimate that EVs are 40% cheaper to run than petrol-powered cars, based on charging the electric vehicle using your home’s electricity supply. The price to operate an electric car becomes even lower when you charge the car using kinetic energy or use renewable energy such as solar or wind power. You can also charge an electric vehicle using a solar PV system or a free charging station.

3. Low-Cost Maintenance

Electric cars are considerably cheaper to maintain than gasoline-powered cars. The internal combustion engine has numerous moving parts which, over time, are subject to wear and tear and cease to function efficiently. In internal combustion engines, parts like valves, fuel lines, carburetors, gaskets, tappets, filters, fuel injection systems, and spark plugs are constantly in use and deteriorate over time.

As the engine ages, the amount of wear and tear on the engine parts increases, which means there is a corresponding increase in maintenance costs. It is estimated that for internal combustion engine cars over ten years old, 40% of the costs come from maintenance issues.

The electric car, however, has only three main components, the inverter, the motor, and the onboard charger. Because they have fewer parts subject to wear and tear, this means electric cars are easier and cheaper to maintain over the long term.

Furthermore, electric cars do not require regular servicing, which amounts to a considerable saving in maintenance expenditure.

4. Convenience Anytime, Anywhere

With constant advances in design and building the backup network, electric cars now offer greater convenience than gasoline-powered cars. An electric car can be charged for free and, in the case of the Tesla Roadster, can run for 240 miles on one 40-minute charge. The average Toyota Corolla has an 11.4-gallon tank which runs 640 miles on one tank, but the trade-off is that it costs over 70 dollars to fill the tank.

The conventional motor gives greater distance, but that distance comes at a financial cost which decreases the level of convenience.

Electric cars now have a supporting infrastructure throughout urban areas. For example, charging stations can now be found scattered throughout any urban center, and electric charging stations are free to use. Electric cars are digitally connected, meaning drivers can control the time spent charging using a digital app California online traffic. This allows them to conduct other activities while at the same time monitoring their car’s charge process.

Electric cars are also convenient because they can be charged from home using your regular power supply, and they can be charged using kinetic energy and solar or wind energy.

5. Tax Credits for Electric Car Owners

To encourage people to drive electric cars, governments in some countries are giving tax credits and government grants. For example, in America people who purchase a plug-in electric vehicle can claim a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500. The claimable amount will vary depending upon the car manufacturer and the vehicles battery size.

In England there are four government grants made available to electric vehicle purchasers. These grants are given by the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles. The grants are as follows:

  • Plug-in Car Grant: This is a discount given for purchasing a brand-new low emissions car.
  • Electric Vehicle Home-charge Scheme: This is a grant that reimburses the electric car owner the cost of installing an electric charging point at home.
  • Workplace Charging Scheme: This grant is designed to help businesses with the upfront costs of charger installation.
  • On street Residential Charge-point Scheme: This grant provides support for local authorities planning to install on-street residential car chargers.

6. Fast-Charging

It takes a significantly longer time to charge an electric car’s battery than it does to fill up a gas tank. However, the increased length of time it takes to charge is compensated for by the decreased amount it costs. For example, an electric car may take anywhere from 40 minutes to 10 hours to charge the battery. A charging station will charge a maximum of 2 dollars per hour, so even for a battery that takes 10 hours to fully charge, the maximum cost will be $20.

In the case of gasoline-powered cars, the average tank can be filled in under ten minutes; however, the trade-off is the price. Gasoline-powered cars, on average, hold 51 liters of petrol. Petrol is currently selling for 4 dollars per liter equals which means that it costs $204 to fill up the tank.

As technology progresses, the charging time required for electric cars decreases. For example, many newer electric car models can charge the battery 80% in 40 minutes. 

7. Reduced or Eliminated Fuel Costs & better resale value

Running a car on electricity is significantly less costly than running a car on gasoline. Analysts are comparing the cost of running an electric car and a gasoline-powered car and estimate that an electric car costs at least 30% less to run, service, and maintain than a traditional car with an internal combustion engine.

Because there are fewer parts exposed to wear and tear, the life expectancy of an electric car is significantly longer than a gasoline-powered car, and this extended life expectancy leads to a better resale value.

Key Takeaway

As the number of electric cars on the road increases, there is a corresponding increase in the number of electric car auto body repair shops. An electric car represents a significant initial investment as the average cost for a new model electric car ranges from between $30,000 to $40,000. Make sure to contact a trusted professional if you are in need of repairs for your electric car.

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