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5 Ways Color Can Revamp Your Business Materials

Most companies have one main goal with the production of their business materials: to shine and be remembered among all the rest. Implementing color in smart and appealing ways is perhaps the quickest and easiest way to get your work to stand out. 

However, this is not the only advantage of implementing different shades into your materials. There are several ways that using color in your business materials can go beyond just getting you noticed.  

1. Creates Appeal

Despite how often we are warned against it, people do judge a book by its cover. Studies have shown that 93% of people make their purchasing decisions based on visual appearance, as opposed to any other physical quality such as texture or smell, and nearly 85% of people cite color as the main reason why they buy a product. When color is used in a fresh and interesting way on a product, people are hardwired to be drawn to it, and the same rule goes for advertisement and business materials. Printing your materials in color on Brother printers and ink, as opposed to black and white, is a simple step toward guaranteeing a greater consumer and audience response. Create materials people will want to look at.

It’s no surprise that assigning an attractive color scheme to a product makes it more visually appealing. Color not only pops; it is crucial to the way we make decisions and choose what we will pay attention to. Ignoring color during content and brand creation is wasting valuable potential. 

2. Helps Establish Mood

Business materials are audience-focused documents and visuals intended to garner a specific reaction from clientele. Employing more color in these materials can do much of the heavy lifting for you, as colors have been linked to the establishment of certain moods. 

Instead of outright telling people how you want to make them feel about your product or proposal, you can simply use a particular color scheme to encourage that mood. Color can speak in ways words cannot.

Color has different mood characterizations depending on a given market—politics, personality, or even chakra. The business world has its own mood associations when it comes to color. The marketing industry has expanded the list of moods associated with colors to include certain key consumer trends. 

For example, the color red is often used to entice compulsive shoppers, whereas blue is one of the most common colors used with corporate businesses because it has been shown to create an assurance of security and trust. Selecting the appropriate color scheme for your desired emotional goals can go a long way in building consumer understanding of your brand. 

3. Helps with Recall and Recognition

In such a content-heavy world where the human attention span is dwindling, not only do we want to be noticed, but we also want to be remembered. Color can play a critical role in our accomplishment of recognition and retention. 

Studies have shown that color improves cognitive skills, and specific colors may help with concentration. If you want your audience to pay attention to and remember your pitch, don’t speak louder or use a bigger font—do your color research. 

The use of color in business logos and materials is the number one factor in a person’s ability to instantly recognize and recall the brand, and people are more likely to read and remember ads printed in color than in black and white. 

Consider a subtle yet purposeful use of color in logos and visual aids that will draw your audience to critical information and ensure that they remember it. This tactic can be more successful and much more respected by those you are trying to reach than verbally cueing what is most important for them to recall. 

4. Harnesses the Power of Psychology

Color has been known to not only encourage certain moods in people but can also go as far as to alter our brain chemistry and decision making. Brands have used color psychology for years to elicit desired responses out of their customers. 

Colors like red and yellow stimulate our appetite and nervous systems, making them a successful color palette for a company like McDonald’s that depends on people’s hunger. The color green constitutes health and symbolizes wealth, which a company like Starbucks loves to promote, as their brand continues to grow as an unspoken status symbol.

Pairing your pitch or slogan with a carefully chosen color scheme can take your words farther than they could on their own due to the power of psychology. With color, you do not have to convince a person of anything with a written or spoken argument—their body chemistry is doing the work for you. 

Contemplate the action you want your audience to take upon reviewing your business materials and work on implementing the colors that encourage that response in the human brain. If it feels like your work has become a science, it’s because it has. 

5. Encourages an Organized Professionalism

In the business world, you want to put forward a feeling of cohesiveness with your brand. Using color, primarily a particular color scheme and strategy throughout all areas of your business, creates a feeling of organization within your company. Establishing a color scheme and applying it to all promotional materials, letterheads, business cards, and even your office space is one of the most visible aspects of branding you can implement. 

When deciding on your company-wide color scheme, remember the concepts in color psychology and in what manner you wish to present your brand to consumers. Making these decisions holistically, in the beginning, will keep you looking organized and professional. 

People notice when your colors clash in certain areas of your company, and this will affect their willingness to listen and/or do business with you.

Final Word

If you are looking for a way to revamp your business materials, utilizing color should be your first step. Not only will it make your work more visually appealing but using color can also assist you in garnering the reaction or action you are looking for from your audience through the power of color psychology. Using high-qualityink cartridgesand other printing materials can help ensure that you are able to use color to its full advantage for your business. 

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