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5 Important Steps to Take After You’re in a Car Accident

There are six million auto accidents in America every year. Out of six million accidents, around half of the victims suffer injuries. The providers of air ambulance in Mumbai emphasizes that in cases of critical injuries, timing is crucial. The injured must receive treatment as quickly as possible.

If you’ve never thought about what would happen if you were involved in a car accident that is not your fault, you might find yourself unprepared when and if it happens to you.

After an accident, you may have to take time off work to recover from your injuries. And, chances are, you will also receive an enormous medical bill for your treatment. There’s some good news, though – you can mitigate the financial risk by contacting Lamber Goodnow and taking legal action against the at-fault driver to recoup your costs.

Here are five critical steps to take right after you’ve been in a car accident to strengthen your case.

1. Make Sure You’re Okay

During a car accident, adrenaline surges through your body. You may feel disoriented – this is normal. Take a deep breath and try to calm down.

The first thing you should do is put your hazard lights on. Drive your car away from traffic and get it into a safe place. If you smell gas from your vehicle, get out of it immediately.

If it’s unsafe to move your car, leave it where it is, move to safety, and wait for the police to arrive. Do not leave the scene of the accident. This can put you in legal trouble and jeopardize your case if you want to file a claim.

Remain calm and assess your injuries. Do you need medical attention? If so, call 911 to dispatch an ambulance. You may not become aware of your injuries until hours or days after the crash, so consider visiting the emergency room even if you feel fine.

2. Call the Police

After you’ve moved your vehicle to safety, call the police and inform them you’ve been in an accident. Do not leave the scene – you can get into legal trouble. When the police arrive, they will create an accident report.

The accident report will include the details regarding the incident and everyone involved. Try to record the investigating officer’s name and badge number because you might need this information later. If the accident happened in TX, you can easily obtain a copy of the Texas crash report online. All you need to find it are the collision’s date, ZIP code, and your car’s VIN. This document will be essential if you file an insurance claim or your case ends in a court of law.     

3. Gather the Facts

To file a claim, you’ll need the other driver’s details. Take down their name, address, phone number, license plate number, driver’s license number, and insurance information.

Next, document the time and date of the crash, where it occurred, the time and date, and the nearest street corner. You should also write down what happened and record the driving conditions.

If anyone else witnessed the accident, get their details. Your lawyer can call them later to get testimonies that will strengthen your case significantly.

Take as many photographs of the scene and aftermath as you can. Remember to photograph any property damage and injuries.

4. Contact Your Insurance Provider

After you’ve been in a auto accident, you should call your insurance provider and inform them that you were in a wreck – even if the accident wasn’t your fault. Your insurance provider can also give your lawyer valuable details about the at-fault driver if they are uninsured.

If the at-fault driver’s insurance company does not contact you a few days after the accident, you should call them and let them know that their client has been in an accident.

5. Call a Lawyer

If you need medical care after the wreck, be sure to document everything and keep all your statements and receipts. Record what treatment you receive and any medication you were prescribed for your injuries – both physical and mental.

Once you have all the details about the accident, call a personal injury lawyer to file a claim. Choose an experienced lawyer who specializes in personal injury law so you can get the compensation you deserve.

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